Video Info: Released: January 14, 2011 Runtime: 32:19
Description: Girls, if you show up to a modeling interview, don’t let your blind friend do your eyebrows beforehand. Also, maybe lay off the Valium when half your job requires talking and moving. If everything seems like a chore to you it doesn’t reflect well on your stamina – especially not when you plan to be a nurse later in life… Savannah has done one porno with some guy before and she liked it, liked the money, and now wants to take it a step further and become a real pornstar, and for that she needs an agent. Me. I feed her my lines – $1000-$5000 per day – and I can see dollar signs in her eyes. “I’m not doing that” quickly turns into “OK” when I present her with a challenge that involves a Sharpie pen and her ass. Those “producers” watching her tape need to see what she’s capable off, right? Also, you’ll be proud to hear that I learned from my past near-disasters and asked if she’s on birth control before I pop my load inside her. Still, I think I’ll block her number, just in case.
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