Femalien (1996)

Femalien (1996)
Released: 03 Sep 1996
Runtime: 88 Mins
Genre: Science Fiction Romance Countries: United States Languages: English
Directed By: Franklin A. Vallette Cybil Richards
Actors: Venesa Talor Jacqueline Lovell Matt Shue Kurt Sinclair Taylor St. Claire Brittany Andrews Juan Carlos de Vasquez Leena Carlos San Miguel Holly Cat Everett Rodd Stephanie Hudson

In the pursuit of perfection, an alien civilization has evolved to become beings of pure light energy, unbound by the limitations of the mortal body. But they have lost something precious along the way: the ability to experience physical pleasure. They send a representative to Earth to record human sensory experiences. Taking the form of the perfect human female, β€œKara” uses her powers to unlock the secrets of sensuality so long forgotten on her world.

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